Of Student Migration, Separation & Lost Cultures

Dilpreet Singh with his Grandmother Another boy from the neighborhood is going abroad. He is going to study in a far-off country and if things turn in his favour, he’ll probably settle there. Thinly populated countries with a large aging population need an able workforce to bolster their economy. Equally eager are the young to embrace a better quality of life offered by affluent countries. Global migration is an undeniable reality. Travel has become easier and so has adaptation to new cultures. But in the wake of it, families are experiencing forced separations. Separations by law as well through gaping economic imbalances in the very competitive new world. In such times, one either floats in the ocean or sinks into oblivion. Much like ‘survival of the fittest’, the younger generation has to grab the opportunity to break the rut arising of a stagnant economy in their country of origin. When globalization wasn’t as pervasive, families stayed together. Tradition a...