And Trust Flew Out of The Window…This is What Happens When You Are Constantly Watched and Tracked

sebastian-molina-fotografia-100061-unsplash James Bond movies introduced us to the first smarty-pants spy who sneakily recorded evidence. He used a micro camera enabled with voice recording cleverly embedded in his fountain pen to relay back information. His impressive use of secret gadgets made him stylishly invincible. In modern times, everyone is invincible! Courtesy, easily accessible and affordable high-tech gadgetry. Spying is no longer a matter of intrigue. The smartphone is the single most potent tool to encourage the spy within us. Screenshots, voice recordings, geotracking, confirmation of messages seen and a million apps have unconcealed human activity . Add to this, the all-powerful CCTV with microphones that not only capture every single movement and expression of the employees at workplace, but capture their audio conversations too. Its a matter of debate if this prying has added to increased transparency in our relationships or depleted mutual trust. ...