Matters of the Heart: Can We Guess if it's Love or Like?!

Photo by from Pexels Is 'love' a synonym for 'like' ?! I am amused at the heart shaped presumably ‘like’ icon of Twitter and Instagram. There is no other option available but to click the heart icon if you’ve liked a post. Facebook and YouTube, on the other hand, offer a range of icons to choose from. Their ‘like’ icon is the muted thumbs up symbol and a separate heart shaped icon for ‘love’ (to convey elevated likeness) besides a choice of other icons for separate emotions. ‘Love’ becoming a synonym for ‘like’ must have happened while generation Z was transitioning from FB to Insta. As a consequence, everyone is ‘hearting’ their likeness and turning the world into a confused mushy muddle. ‘Love you’ and ‘love you too’ are now too often used in conversation. In online social-media communication, the lovey-dovey emojis are disproportionately popular. Heart-escaping-the-lips and another one with love-hearts-pasted-all-over-the-face are the fa...